The time has rushed by and this weekend will be the final one of the 2013 Norfolk Open Studios event. If you haven’t managed to make it along to my studio yet, Margaret and I would be very pleased to see you.
For those who know our village, take Station Road at the Dersingham traffic lights and follow it almost as far as you can go, about half a mile. When you see the old railway station on your left, now a builders yard, you will also see our Open Studio sign on your right! The address is 2 Alexandra close, Dersingham, King’s Lynn, PE31 6YU.
My small ink and watercolour paintings seem as popular as ever, which is great because I really enjoy making them. Here’s one of the latest, which is in a series called Windswept Trees. Very appropriate at the moment as a chilly breeze never seems far away, but hopefully the weather will warm up, after all it is June now!
Speaking of warmer weather, I will be blogging from California for the next few posts, as we explore the landscape of San Francisco, Yosemite and other nearby national parks, so keep an eye out for a few sketches of what is supposed to be one of the most spectacular landscapes in the USA.